Was just at a super fun lunch with another magical (like, believes in magic) business coach.
And we talked about where the coaching industry has been going lately. How there’s a ton of masculine energy out there, exhorting people to have bigger launches, bigger sales funnels, bigger sales.
That all feels kind of heavy and exhausting to me. Does it feel that way to you?
The thing is…none of us got into our heart-centered businesses so that we could have just another J.O.B. You started a business (if you’re like most of my entrepreneur friends and tribe) because you wanted to help people.
But then that big mission got bogged down in all of the noise, and you thought that there were all of these things you needed to be doing in order to make an income. And maybe you even forgot that you could use your magic in your business, too.
You forgot that this could be easy. (Or easier.)
You forgot that your divine, higher self always knows the way.
Not with a fancy marketing strategy.
Not by finding that perfect, fancy sales funnel.
And not because you created the perfect, fancy website.
You guys…Jesus didn’t need a marketing strategy.
Nope. He just (just – ha) had his message of unconditional love (let’s not talk about how his message has been ignored by many of his followers.)
He just had 12 people who believed in that message, and were willing to walk for miles to tell others about it.
What’s your message…the one that has people so excited that they would walk miles to tell others about it?
Okay, that’s a lot of pressure. How about this instead:
What do you want to really offer in your business? And what’s holding you back from sharing it?
Want more support on sharing your beautiful message? Set up a time to chat with me here.

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