Yo. Let’s dive in. Ain’t nobody got time to read anymore, right? You need more money in your life and you need it like…yesterday.
1. Let go of needing. Seriously. Take the word “need” out of your vocabulary. That word alone puts you into the lack mode (and like attracts like…so you are only inviting in more lack there.) Do you have a roof over your head? Food on your table? Clean water to drink? If the answer is “yes”…then your need of money is probably a want. So instead of NEEDING that money, focus instead on all that you already have and then how exciting it will be to have even MORE. (This is WAYYYY easier said than done. I know. But this is how you move into next level.)
2. Write out what you would like to see in your life (the things, experiences, and abundance you want), as if it were already here. Write it in the present tense. Write it with excitement and joy. Do this as much as possible. (Super bonus: talk about it with a friend as if it has already happened and unfolded it in the coolest possible way. Kyle Cease calls this the Kylego process. Powerful.)
3. Try everything you’ve ever heard of to manifest more money. Declutter your space, do your affirmations, create a money movie, leave yourself notes, change your passwords to reflect the new you, vision it, script it, imagine it…whatever you’ve heard of, try it all!
4. Release those old money stories. (This is usually where a money mindset coach would tell you to declutter your physical space. Also cool and worthwhile. See above.) What are those old beliefs you have in your mind about who is allowed to be rich? What are those beliefs you hold about who can be both spiritual and wealthy? What are those beliefs about money being evil? Get rid of ’em.
5. Do some incremental upgrades in your life. What are the things that make you feel cheap in your life? (That old couch, those old shoes, those old panties.) Time to upgrade. This shouldn’t be a HUGE leap. Just an incremental one. (Like if you’re driving a Kia version of underwear, not time for the Lambo. But maybe time for the Lexus? I don’t even know what those are in underwear speak but you know what I mean.)
Want a really deep dive into manifesting and abundance – even if you’re not super woo-woo? Grab my How to Manifest More Clients guide here.

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