The 5 Abundance Tools You Need Right Now
Abundance seems hard to think about right now. Which is sorta’ exactly why we want to make steps towards attracting abundance, so that we can start to create more abundance first for ourselves, and then for the world. (And the cool thing about creating it for ourselves…we get to share that abundance with others AND also show people that it’s possible. Yes, even right now.)
Here’s a list of tools I use almost every day in order to create a feeling of abundance and manifest what I desire. If you can set aside even 10 minutes to practice one of these tools, you ‘ll feel better and you will see things begin to shift in your world. (Promise!)
1. The Flip-Side:
It’s usually pretty easy for most of us to detail what we don’t want in our lives. We’ve got a whole list of those things, right? Simply take that list and detail it out on one (vertical) side of a piece of paper. And then, flip your list by writing out the exact opposite on the other side.
For me, this looks something like:
- I don’t want getting clients to feel hard / Magnetizing my ideal clients feels super light and easy.
- I don’t want to spend lots of money on FB ads that don’t work / My marketing efforts are aligned and drawing in exactly my idea clients.
(You can do this with every area of your life: business, personal, health, relationships, friendships, etc.)
2. Imagining:
This is THE powerhouse tool, and the one I’m always recommending as a quick hack to manifesting what you want. Simply keep imagining what you do want. Play it in your mind like a scene from a movie, replete with dialogue and scenery. Imagine the end result of what you want. So, for instance, of you want a new home, really see yourself and your family in that new home – perhaps throwing a idiner party, or welcoming extending family for the first time, or sending the kids off to school in the morning while you drink your coffee. Imagine whatever scene would most make you feel excited and happy, as if it was already here for you.
3. Scripting:
Kind of like imagining (above), but written down. This super-powerful tool is the place where you get to write down all that you really want, in great detail. Really see the life you want to be living, as if it were already here for you. Feel the excitement and joy yhou have for these things as you create them on the page.
4. Gratitude Stack:
Yeah, you’ve only heard that about a million times before that you “should” practice gratitude, right? Well, here’s a new twist on gratitude that will really pump up your abundane: create: a list of things that you are truly grateful for right now, as well as things you would like to be grateful for in the future. Mix both of these up in your list, so that the things that are already here (you know, hyour fuzzy bunny slippers and the big house) feel as equally true and real for you. That will stimulate your subconscious mind to start seeing possibilities and the opportunities for you to actually bring those new things, experiences, or people into your life.
5. Looking into your subconscious blocks:
What are the actual beliefs that are holding you back from having what you desire? Here are a couple of questions that you can journal around in order to discover into your personal blocks. (The best way to do this is by utilizing pen + paper instead of typing.)
- Why do I not deserve X? (Where X =the thing you desire, whether that’s better health or more income)
- What are the positive benefits to staying right where I am?
These two questions sound deceptively simple, however if you can be honest with yourself, and truly allow yourself to list out every possible answer (even if they sound “crazy”), you’ll discover your personal blocks to having more of whatever you desire in your life.
Like all personal development, we’re not looking for a huge change overnight. However, utilizing just one of these tools every day will help you to shift into an abundance mindset and start to attract more of what you desire in your life!

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