
Utilize EFT to Remove Your Blocks to More Clients, Income, and Soul Level Awesomeness

Do any of these beliefs resonate for you?

Money doesn’t grow on trees. 

Running a business is hard work. 

It’s hard to find new clients. 

It has to feel like a struggle.


What if you could release all of those old limiting beliefs (some generational, some even ancestral) and create your next level with ease and joy?

The truth is, it DOESN’T have to be so hard.


Join us in Tapping into Success, a 6 Week online program, and finally get the support you need to create that next level with ease, joy, and alignment with your soul!

Release subconscious blocks


Create your Next Level Success Plan

Undergo powerful energetic transformations

Um…why bother with mindset?

I think I just need strategies. 



Strategies ARE awesome. But I’m kind of betting that (like most of us) that you might have some of these symptoms of mindset stuff going on: 

  • procrastinating on the important stuff
  • endlessly researching your next steps
  • getting stuck in “analysis paralysis” and overthinking patterns
  • not feeling confident in your marketing
  • feeling like you can’t really show up as YOU online
  • not knowing exactly what your next steps are
  • not believing that you are doing the “right things 

And maybe even some of these classics?



01 | This is all I get to have. I don’t deserve more.

  • You’ll reach a certain goal and your subconscious will tell you “yep, this is all we get. Just be happy with it. You have more than most people, so we’re good.” That’s your upper limit of deservingness…and yeah, you get to shift that.

02 | You can only get there by hard work and hustle.

  • Yeah, you could get to that next level…but only through doubling and tripling your work (and it already feels like a lot!)

03 | Any day now…that other shoe is going to drop.

  •  Things are pretty good…but pretty soon, the bottom will drop out. (And then your subconscious creates exactly that reality for you!)

My dear spiritual friend, let’s hold hands and frolic into Your Awesome Business.

Because when you release these blocks, then you’ll get to:




KNOW exactly what you need to be doing each day to attract those clients and income


Have the confidence to follow your unique path in your business


Let go of the outside "should's" and "supposed to's" in your business


Create wealth and income just by showing up as YOU


Feel entirely confident to show up online


Fully sink into the knowing that your marketing is EXACTLY the right thing to attract your dream, soul-mate clients

You’re starting to like Team Mindset, right?

Here’s some more proof of the awesomeness of this work:



My team just had our first $100K month. 

And I’ve had my best month personally, ever. Working with Erin has truly allowed me to shift my old beliefs about what’s possible and NO LONGER be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Cherie Beasley

Pampered Chef Director

I just had my first $3600 sale.

After working with Erin, my sales calls felt sooooo much easier. I was able to shift into knowing how easy they could be. Yeah, strategy is cool, but Erin works on a deeper level. She gets me.

Sarah Perez

Spiritual Business Coach

Look, I’m the last one to tell you that there’s some sort of magic bullet for your  business.

But if there was…it would be the powerful energetic + mindset work that we do with Tapping into Success.

We’ll utilize Tapping/EFT  to clear out those old beliefs, see what’s in your subconscious, and then (TRULY) create your next level of growth with ease.

Plus, you get lifetime access to this work – anytime I offer updates and a new (LIVE) version, you get it all!

I’ve got you, girl.


Tapping into Success is absolutely your place to uplevel your mindset and attract the clients + income you really, really want in your business.



Because this gets to be sooooo much easier.


Module One

Making Money Has to Be Hard Work

  • Release the belief that creating a new level of wealth in your business has to take a lot of time, effort, and work 
  • Align to a new belief of ease and flow in your business

Module Two

Making Money is For Other People

  • Release the belief that there is something MORE you need to be, have, or do, in order to be deserving of having MORE
  • Release the old money stories from your family of origin and even from your ancestral lineage(s)
  • Step into the belief that you are deserving, right now, just for being YOU 

Module Three

Making Money is Wrong

  • Let go of the old, old, old belief that “money is the root of all evil” or that “rich people are greedy” or that you, creating more wealth, takes money from others, or that making money isn’t spiritual 

Create a new belief that YOU, creating wealth, allows even more wealth for others on this planet 

Module Four

Making money has to be complicated

  • Release the beliefs around “But just HOW do I create that next level income? It has to be complicated. I have to have a structure, a funnel, and more strategies.” 
  • Understand your aligned actions that you need to be taking each day to attract more money and income (AND JOY, of course!)
  • R

Module Five

Making Money has to be Yucky, Slimy, or Weird 

  • How to release your biggest blocks around sales, selling, or marketing!
  • Create your aligned strategies for marketing ans sharing your services, programs, and products – in a way that feels good for you and your soul-mate clients

Module Six

pNext Level Income Integration 

Where have you held yourself back? Let go of any last feelings of doubt or lack in order to create true next-level income.

Celebrate a new connection to money – one that says, “Yes, there is more than enough on this planet, and I’m attracting even more, just for being me!” 

Here’s the juicy details: 


6 Powerful 60 min. Master Classes to Uncover Your Personal Subconscious Blocks 

6 Upleveling Workbooks

6 Specific Tapping Sequences for Next Level Growth and Abundance

(these go along with each module, and are also powerful to do at any time you feel down/lost/stuck)

PLUS These Amazing Bonuses:

How to Remove Your Subconscious Blocks with EFT: Master Class

This is THE work that will move your forward, all contained in one powerful master class. 

Learn how to: 

  • understand what EFT is and how it can help you…in simple, easy-to-follow instructions 
  • release patterns of self-sabotage
  • create new powerful affirmations for success, abundance, and prosperity 

Magical Money Manifesting Bundle contains:

The Subconscious Shifts Workbook:

  • Your biggest personal money blocks (and how to release them)

  • Why it’s easier to stay where you are (and how to move past that!)

  • The #1 Secret Manifesting Tool…that most people don’t know about!

Guided Abundance Meditation: 

Super powerful meditation to call in abundance, right now 

Manifesting Video:

An overview of manifesting and how you can best utilize the tools to create the abundance you want to see 


Who am I, and how can I help you to make more money in your business…in a way that feels super aligned with your SOUL?


Abundance Coach, Writer, Public Speaker

I’m Erin Newman, an Authentic Courage Coach and Money Mindset Mentor for entrepreneurs. And I’ve created a business with $10K months by utilizing the practices that I’m sharing here.  (Also, ps, I’m a Shamanic practitioner, too, so there’s some deep soul level healing possible, too!) 

I’ve helped entrepreneurs all over the world to create and grow businesses that are aligned with their true inner wisdom AND make real incomes.  

And during the Tapping into Success program, you’ll get to experience the mindset tools I use with my 1:1 clients – no holding back! 


Your investment: 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this live or self-study?

Currently, Tapping into Success is set up as a self-paced, self-study program. 

Do I get immediate access?

Yes. 🙂 

What does lifetime access really mean?

As long as the internet exists…you’ll have access. 🙂 

The reason I created this program was because I believe it’s possible to have it all: a business that lights you up on all levels AND makes amazing money! My mission is to help all women, everywhere to realize that they are enough, just as they are, to follow their big dreams. And Tapping Into Success is one (big) piece of that mission. I so hope you’ll join us! 


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You'll receive weekly emails about manifesting abundance, subconscious mindset tools, ancestral healing, and accessing the quantum for your business. 

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You'll receive weekly emails about manifesting abundance, subconscious mindset tools, ancestral healing, and accessing the quantum for your business. 

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