Stop giving a F$%* what “they” think
My ten year old son wants to dye his hair pink.
My husband doesn’t want him to.
My husband said, “What will people think?”
(Don’t worry, this isn’t a parenting rant. Because I’m not a parenting coach.)
But I am a mindset coach.
And I see, on a daily basis, what happens to adults who were told as kids (either outright or in more subtle ways), that their feelings, needs, wishes, and desires were not okay.
We tell kids, “Oh, no, you don’t actually feel that way. You don’t really hate your brother.” (Except maybe, in that moment, they do. Don’t we feel that way sometimes? Why would we tell a child that they don’t?)
We tell them, “Don’t cry. It’s not that big of a deal. This isn’t worth crying over.” (But why do we adults get to determine what constitutes a “big deal”? Don’t you remember when the wrong color of your shoes WAS a big deal?)
And then, as they get older, we tell them, “Oh, no, you don’t want to do THAT. You’ll never make money as a _____.” We laugh when they say they want to be a writer, a painter, a poet. We say things like “Yeah, but what will your REAL job be?”
You guys – our parents weren’t bad parents. And those of us that are parents – we aren’t bad parents, either. We’re all just trying to protect our kids from hurt, in the best way that we know how, just like our own parents did.
But what happens when you try to become an entrepreneur, after you’ve been told all of your life that you need to listen to other people’s opinions?
The entrepreneur life is really all about undoing all of the previous conditioning you grew up with, starting with the idea that you have to have a “stable” job.
And then you have to undo the programming that says that others know better. Because in the entrepreneur world, there are still voices out there telling you there is only one way to do it.
Launches, webinars, Clickfunnels, sales scripts…you know the drill.
It can get kind of exhausting, right? And then you look around, and you say, “Wait a minute. I became an entrepreneur so I could do this MY way. I became an entrepreneur because I believe in freaking magic. Why am I listening to this noise?”
You guys, this entrepreneur thing IS really all about listening in to YOU, over and over again. So if you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the one to say this: YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL WITHOUT:
- Another degree
- Another certification
- Another modality
- More experience
- That sales script
- A sales funnel
- A sales anything
- A big social media presence
- A big list
- A big anything….
What does it take to be successful?
Aligned actions.
Yes, you do have to some “work”. Yes, you do have to do “things”. But you ONLY have to do what feels aligned. (I didn’t say easy – it’s not always easy.) In fact, you often have to do the thing that feels scariest. Sending out the newsletter. Posting the blog. Getting on that stage. Making the call. And none of those are EASY. But they should feel ALIGNED.
The actions you take should feel like YOU.
They should feel like “this is me, and I don’t care what you think.”
So go out there and take those actions.
Pink hair and all.
(And if one of your aligned actions is offering a FB live, grab the Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Fears of Facebook Lives here.)

About My Group, Six Figure Spiritualpreneurs