Pricing Your Services in an Aligned Way
When I offer that the struggle with your pricing is REAL, it’s because I have also struggled with my pricing.
When I first started coaching, my big package was $600 for 6 sessions. I thought that was a HUGE number for someone to pay me at that time- and it felt so exciting when I had my first client.
Now, working with me for six months is $6,000. And I had 3 new clients step into that space this week.
So is the work I’m doing with my current clients 10x the awesomeness as my first clients?
Probably not.
Some of you are thinking right now, “Well then, how can she charge that?”
And if you’re a service provider of any kind, then I would really, really, really lean into that thought. Dive deep into why you feel that way.
Because whoever you are, wherever you are, you CAN ALSO CHARGE WHATEVER YOU WANT TO!
Your pricing has nothing to do with:
- what the market will bear
- what your competitors are charging
- what your mentors are charging for the “same” services
Your pricing ONLY has to do with how much YOU value your services.
When I first heard these concepts, I was like “shut the front door, lady. No way. Pricing is determined by the market, not by me.”
But it’s simply not true. (I’m talking about service providers here, but this is even true with physical products. Why do we pay more for Louis Vuitton versus Coach? Are there luxury cows out there that I don’t know about?)
And when you realize that you CAN actually charge whatever you want to, it’s super freeing.
Here’s the cool thing: it actually helps your clients, too. They get to show up in a bigger way and commit even more to the work that you’re doing.
Because in our current world, money is the way that we commit to something. And I don’t know about you – but I want my clients to be just as committed to this work as I am.
Want more proof? In every industry, there is someone who is charging millions for their services. Life coaches? Yes. Healers? Yes. Psychics? Yes. Therapists? Yes.
Right now, I have on my vision board a picture of this life coach who takes people on life-changing 6 month excursions for $400,000.
Let’s step into that energy, my peeps.
You are so, so, so worth it.
(Not sure? Join us in the Six Figure Spiritualpreneurs (free) Facebook group and uplevel your mindset and manifesting.)

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