My personal favorite is simply to imagine, over and over, what I desire as if it were already here for me. I get super excited about the thing (whether that’s new clients, or more income, or a super cool speaking engagement) as if it were already here.
The conversation: I will often pretend that I’m doing the thing I would be doing if that thing were to happen. For me, this is usually a little happy dance that I do in my office when I sign a new, amazing, soul-aligned client at my current rate. Or I picture myself alling my husband at work and letting him know about my new client, and how she elected to pay in full.
However…the BEST manifesting tool is one that you will actually utilize every single day. There really is no perfect tool for creating your best and most aligned business ever. (But if you’re looking for a deep dive into some of my all-time faves, check out my blog on The 5 Abunace Tools You Need Right Now.)
Does that manifesting tool actually work?
Well, yeah. It does. But again, the tool isn’t super important. You can script out what you want to see in your business (basically visioning it on paper), you can do vision boards, you can create a manifesting movie…whatever feels good for you.
That’s the secret.
But what about when it’s NOT working?
You have to release the need fpr the thing to show up in your life. This is actually the biggest block that I see. Most people are just TRYING SO DAMN HARD TO MANIFEST WHAT THEY DESIRE.
Stop the trying.
Stop the manifesting.
Stop the desiring.
Stop the NEEDING it to show up.
Know that you are already whole, already perfect, and already complete without the income, the clients, or the money showing up in your world.
This is the hardest fucking thing ever.
This is the paradox of manifesting.
And if you can get that balance “right” (not that there is ever a “getting it right”, anyway) between desiring something, and being able to not need it it in any way, then you WILL attract all that you desire. Simply (ha!) let go of the need, and at the same time, keep picturing what you desire as it were already here.
Act as if it WERE already here.
So…if you have promised yourself that you would hire that mentor, set up that energetic boundary (no more working on Fridays, for instance) or hire that VA as soon as you got the one new client…THEN DO THAT ALREADY. You truly have to act like the thing (the money, clients, income) are already freaking here already.
As one of my fave manifesting mystics, Neville Goddard says: be in the space of the wish fulfilled. Or, to put it another way, act as if it were already here, and then it will be here.
Fully embody wealth consciousness, when you allow yourself to believe it’s possible and you can as if you were already there, then your subconscious and the universe work together to align the circumstances, people, and situations to flow to you in the most beautiful ways.
Stay in the energy of feeling good:
One of the biggest rules in manifesting what you desire is to simply follow where your joy is leading you. Do whatever it takes today to feel really good, to have lots of fun, and to follow the path of your heart’s desires, no matter what the world is telling you. Follow your heart instead of your head. What lights you up? What brings you joy? Do more of that.
But still…this manifesting ish is not working.
Okay, here’s the thing. We are not God. Yes, you are composed of God energy. You are part of the infinite divine cosmos. But you aren’t the only person in this world, nor the only energy that is creating. We are CO-CREATING, not just, um creating on our own.
And that’s actually cool. I mean, wouldn’t this world be super boring if everything that we visualized immediately came true?
Which means that…sometimes, there are things happening out there that we could never understand with our human, rational minds…and perhaps will never understand. (For instance, Covid. Or slavery.)
There are things that we didn’t manifest.
There are bad, awful things that have happened to many of us.
And so, sometimes, we don’t get exactly what we desire, despite our manifesting.
Sometimes, the universe just has a different plan.
We are here to co-create with the other beings, energies, circumstances, cultures, and everyhting else that makes this time, place, and this YOU so incredibly unique.
We don’t always get to choose our circumstances, but we do get to choose how we react to those circumstances, and we do get to continually co-create new circumstances.
If you can continually stay in the energy of feeling-good as much as possible every day, no matter what it takes, and spend a few moments every day imagining what it is that you truly desire as if were already here, and then allow the universe to do its work…then I can absolutely promise you that your world will change for the better.

About My Group, Six Figure Spiritualpreneurs