
Is Blogging Dead?

I feel like I’m pretty plugged in to what the most successful entrepreneurs are doing (thank you, Facebook groups) and most of the entrepreneurs I know have moved from blogging to some other form of live video like Facebook lives, Zoom parties, Instagram, Youtube, etc.

Why do people like video better?

It’s not because readers are lazy and have the attention span of gnats. (Well, maybe…)

It’s because people want to relate to you on a human level. And video is such an easy and direct way to do that. They get to see your beautiful face, your beautiful voice, your beautiful way of expressing yourself.

(And if video in the form of Facebook Lives freaks you out, check out this Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Fears of Facebook Live.)

Is a blog still right for you?

Maybe a little bit of context here. Why do we even use blogs for business?

Reason #1: Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

A good blog title can draw in your ideal clients via the big daddy of SEO (Google). If Google likes your blog title, and people come to your page and stay a long time on it (which counts towards relevancy), then Google will rank your website higher in its searches, and more people will find you via organic searches.

Especially if you’re working that long tail – meaning, you have narrowed down your niche or key words to things that no one else is searching for. (For instance, if I wanted to rank really high for “life coach”, I’d have to work a lot harder than I would for “spiritual business coach Atlanta”. )

Reason #2: Lead generation:

Blogs can be a great place to collect email addresses, the holy grail of internet marketing. Done correctly,  you can add in great content upgrades within the body of the blog itself (you know, like this 3 Step Plan to Growing Your List like…whoah.)

Reason #3: Service to humanity:

Blogging is a great way you get your message out to people, and then if people happen to see that you’re an amazing person and want to connect with you, all the better.

If any of those are your purpose with your blog, and you have focus and commitment and you WANT to blog, cool.

The wrong reason to blog:

But if you think you “should” start a blog because people told you that you need to…well, throw that should right in the garbage can – where all “should’s” belong. There are a gazillion successful entrepreneurs who’ve never written a single blog.

Because it’s never about what everyone else is doing. It’s about what you want in your business.

Ask yourself: how does the thought of blogging make you feel, “yucky” or YES?

(And if “Yucky”, is that because you do want to do it, but you’re scared…or you just plain don’t want to do it?)

Look y’all, we didn’t go into business for ourselves so we could follow everyone else’s rules about what we need to do.

However, if you do decide blogging is your thing, one more question for you: what is your purpose with this blog?  That will help you to focus your efforts.

Now just get started.

(Oh, you knew that was coming, right?) Put that first blog out there – and then see where it goes. See how the market reacts and from there, you can get a little more clarity around your target audience and your ideal clients and your message.

As you’ve probably heard me say a million times, there is no perfect time to start. No, you don’t need to research it all first. No, you don’t need a degree in blogging or marketing. 

You just need to start.

Because the focus of your blog will shift. Your ideal client will change. Your business will pivot. Your messaging will adapt to reflect the kind of results you provide.

So start today, start from where you can help others in this current moment.

You’re already enough, just as you are. You just have to get started.

P.S. If you do want to see me do  my thing on Facebook lives, most of them are in our Dream Starters Community. Come join us if you are a heart-centered entrepreneur (or aspire to be one) and you want cool freebies, great lives from lots of amazing entrepreneurs on all sorts of biz topics, and support and encouragement.




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