How to Follow your Soul’s Path
People get all tripped up by the words “destiny”, “legacy”, “calling” and “soul path”. As if there is ONE THING you’re supposed to be doing right now, and if you’re not doing it, well, then you’ve already missed the boat. You’re screwed. Might as well give up.
I don’t believe there’s one path. (I also don’t believe there is only one soul mate out there for you. What if you never found that person? What if instead you could allow for many possibilities? But that’s a different story…)
So simply let go of the labels around your work. Don’t worry if it’s your calling or your soul path. Just start. Do the one thing that you’re being called to do and let the universe support you in working out the details.
You have to keep taking steps without knowing what that next step is.
It’s like that scene in Indiana Jones or that new cartoon with the trolls where they walk out over a chasm, not knowing if the next step will appear. And you, too, are going to have to keep stepping into thin air without knowing whether the next step is there or not. Just start. Do the ONE THING you are being called to do today, without knowing what the plan is. That’s your soul’s path.
But what if i’m getting it wrong? What if i follow the wrong path?
You could never, ever get this wrong. Our souls simply want to learn and grow. And so even if you did nothing but sit on your couch and eat potato chips for the rest of your life…you would still be doing it “right”. Maybe your soul needed to learn that it didn’t like to just eat potato chips. Maybe your soul needed some chill out time. You really can’t get this wrong, no matter what you do.
But I know, you want a plan, right? A schedule. Something that gives us the A to Z steps for a soul path. We want someone to tell us that if we mark box X today, then tomorrow, we will get result Y.
But it doesn’t work that way. Again, just start taking steps. And know that everything adds up. Everything counts. It all works in your favor. (And the universe always has your back and all the other stuff us coaches are so fond of saying…)
Simply start trusting your inner guidance way more than the strategies and plans.
Calling in that next level energy:
One quick way to get in touch with your inner guidance is to sit in silence for a few moments, and then see yourself a few years in the future, just going about a normal day. What do you see? Who are you interacting with? Where are you living? What things are occupying your day?
Step into that energy of the future you for a few moments, really experiencing what it feels like, and then ask: what actions can I be taking today to align myself with that energy? What will bring me forward today?
Create a list of your deepest desires:
Another way to connect with your soul path is to operate from the level of your deepest desires. Really see the things that you haven’t named for anyone before, the things you would have in your life if there were really no limits to what you could do. Your desires are there for a reason, and if you want to get all trippy, then your desires are there because they’re part of what the universe is showing you is possible for you and others.
As you’re making that list, you’ll find yourself saying, “Yeah, but you could never have that because….”, that’s a really cool place to do some Tapping/EFT around the beliefs coming up and allow yourself to release them.
The soul path thing is totally different from what I’ve been doing:
Cool. Yay! Isn’t that awesome?
Okay, seriously. I know this is hard. But you don’t have to quit the day job tomorrow or completely rebrand your business. You can take smaller shifts toward this new thing. Maybe a volunteer opportunity. Or maybe it’s offering a new program or course for people. It doesn’t have to be moving to Tibet or opening up a llama farm tomorrow. (Unless, of course, that’s what you’re ready for.)
Maybe you could plan a week trip to Tibet, or go visit a llama farm, and see if that’s what you’re being called to do.
Because if we make too big of a leap, that will usually make our subconscious mind start to self-sabotage in some way. We want to make gradual shifts so that we can slowly acclimate to the thinner air up on the soul pathway.
I mean, yeah, don’t we all want to open up a llama farm?
But what if your soul path already included who you are being, right now? If hyou’re a mama, your path includes your kds. If you’re a wife, your path includes your family. (Please note: this does not in any way mean you need to stay in a marriage you no longer feel comfortable – this is saying that your path usually includes the path you’re already on.)
It doesn’t have to be some dramatic shift in order for you to find meaning and soul-level fulfillment. In fact, normally, it’s simply smaller tweaks, and realigning with your inner guidance and what makes you happy. Not…buying the llama farm.
nothing is wasted:
None of the work you’ve done before is wasted on this new path. Even the stuff that you really thought was useless…these are the things that one day, youll think “Wow, I’m really glad I went through that or experienced that so that I could help others through it”. Or, even things like learning Excel. I look back on that now like “well that was kind of wasted.” But it wasn’t. It taught me how to jump into complicated software and figure that shit out. I still do that in my business. All the freaking time. Like, last week, when I put in a new e-learning system onto my website (all by my damn self, thank you.)

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