How to Create Infinite Opportunities in Your Biz
I’ve been sharing a lot about the subconscious and how it impacts your business lately.
Because I believe that MINDSET IS EVERYTHING.
Okay, check this for yourself. You’ve learned all of the cool strategies by now…but if they feel hard to implement or just “don’t work”, then maybe there’s something going on in your subconscious.
Because we can’t just “positive Pollyanna” our way into the right mindset. We have to actually BELIEVE the positive stuff we’re saying (affirmations, conscious beliefs we would like to be holding, etc.) are possible for us. Which means we first need to see and then release the old stories that hang out in our subconscious.
You know, stories like:
- you aren’t good enough
- this has to be hard
- you have to work really hard to make money
I have those stories. We all have those stories, in some form or fashion. They’re so much a part of our culture that even if we were raised by wolves in the forest, we probably STILL would have heard those messages.
But you CAN lovingly release those stories so that you can start writing your new reality.
Which leads us directly into:
How to Create those Infinite Opportunities in Your Biz:
Step One: Lovingly release old stories.
Write them out in your journal, and then write the new story of what you DO want in your world.
Step Two: Share from your heart.
I do a process here of tuning in to my abundance symbol and getting quiet, and then asking what is most needed to be shared right now. This is a place where most entrepreneurs get really tripped up – where to share, how often, what time of day, don’t I need to be consistent, etc.
But if you are sharing from your heart, then none of that matters.
Pick one (maybe two) places to share and then go out and enjoy the sunshine. (Or the rain. I’m super into that Scandinavian expression that there is no bad weather, only bad clothing!) 🙂
Step Three: Make offers.
This one is tough. I know.
And there is still a part of me that resists this step sometimes. So I go back to step one, and release those old stories again (different ones each time.)
Because, there is NO upper limit on what is possible for you in your business.

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