The Day Everything Changed For Me

The Day Everything Changed For Me

Most people reading this blog know the Erin of Today, the life coach, writer, and mother. But most of you don’t know unhappy Erin, the Erin who struggled with low-level depression, car accidents, and low self-esteem. (Evidently she also talks about herself in the...
How To Stop Being Overwhelmed

How To Stop Being Overwhelmed

Most of us Type A’ers find it pretty easy to get into that craptastic state of overwhelmed-ness, even if we aren’t currently in a high-stress career. I know lots of overwhelmed stay at home moms (and if you are scoffing at that, then borrow someone else’s kids...
Why Retreats Don’t Work

Why Retreats Don’t Work

We’re all looking for the secret to a happy life. Sometimes, we think that means that we need to take a little break for a while. If we could just take a vacation or a go on a retreat to a beautiful spa or isolated cabin and get away from the rigors of our job, the...

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