3 Things We Can Learn From A Skeleton

3 Things We Can Learn From A Skeleton

Many cultures in the world have some version of Halloween, an All Hallow’s Eve, a night in which the limens are thin; the dead can walk and spirits can speak. Think for a moment of all of the things that we use to symbolize Halloween: graves, skeletons, pieces...
I Am Not Your Guru

I Am Not Your Guru

I stole the name of this blog from Tony Robbins’s “behind the scenes” documentary about his large, life-changing event called Date With Destiny. The documentary shows some of the stories of the 7,000 people at this event who have begged, borrowed and hopefully not...
The Day Everything Changed For Me

The Day Everything Changed For Me

Most people reading this blog know the Erin of Today, the life coach, writer, and mother. But most of you don’t know unhappy Erin, the Erin who struggled with low-level depression, car accidents, and low self-esteem. (Evidently she also talks about herself in the...
3 Secrets to Career Happiness

3 Secrets to Career Happiness

If you’re like most Americans, your job is probably “fine”. It’s probably not your dream job, but it pays the bills. It might even be better, except that there are so many annoying people at that job, driving you crazy! That one girl who always talks in meetings,...
What Would You Do With 3 Million Dollars Per Year?

What Would You Do With 3 Million Dollars Per Year?

Recently, my aunt was relaying a conversation that she’d had with a running buddy of hers. Her friend was talking about her friend who makes over $40 million per year, and the running buddy said, “And I struggle with my 3 million.” Of course, I was pretty incredulous...

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