Wondering how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions? Because it’s almost that time of year again! You might recognize some of these… Eat better Lose weight Be nicer get healthy new make more money Find my dream job Start a business Meet the love of my...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? I don’t know about you, but the holidays have whacked me upside the head this year. December has been like this: Go to stuff at the kids’ school! Buy Christmas presents! Host my entire family at my house! Christmas...
Recently, my aunt was relaying a conversation that she’d had with a running buddy of hers. Her friend was talking about her friend who makes over $40 million per year, and the running buddy said, “And I struggle with my 3 million.” Of course, I was pretty incredulous...
So I’d been reading a million (well, maybe not quite that many) marketing blogs, and all of them were saying the same thing: find a niche. (“Finding your niche” is really just code for: what kind of work do you want to do right now, and with whom do you want to do...
So most of you readers know by now that my post titles are intended to, well, make you open up the email and read the post! And so let me start this blog by saying that no, I am not recommending that you throw away your bucket list. Or at least, not entirely. But...
An Interview with Laina Orlando on Abundance: As many of you know, I’m kind of obsessed with abundance and abundance thinking. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of personal work around this, and asking myself what abundance means to me. Laina Orlando, a powerful speaker...