
Lately, it seems like everyone I know has been talking about the HOW of things. As in, but just HOW do I create that big thing I want to create in my life? Like, what is the freaking action plan I need to take.

  • But I just don’t know HOW to follow my dreams.
  • But I just don’t know HOW to make the money to follow my dreams.
  • But I just don’t know HOW to even get started.
  • But I just don’t know HOW to do all of the techie stuff.

And there’s actually something super cool about being in this space, even if we don’t like to ever be in this. This is the fallow space, the growing time needed for the big thing. But it can feel like absolute HELL while you’re in it. Like, the moon has left me, never to return. Llike, the big, black abyss has descended upon me, and I’ll never get out it. Like, I’m staring into the unknown, and it feels scary, and painful, and like I’ll never, ever, freaking make it out.

You know… the flower seeds that have been planted in our gardens don’t feel this way while they are in the dark loam. They are simply storing energy, being nourished by the rain and sun and air, and knowing that when it’s time to bloom, they will bloom. They don’t worry about whether they will ever bloom, and whether they are a failure because they haven’t bloomed yet, and whether everyone else thinks they are a failure because they haven’t bloomed yet.

They simply…bloom.

So, yeah, I wrote this blog post with a sort of blog post-y title, but really, the answer to knowing HOW is really: let go of needing to know HOW and simply bloom. Your sacred, beautiful, powerful goddess nature doesn’t question the HOW, she simply steps into goddess energy and becomes the thing. She simply IS the thing.

(Okay, okay, so here’s some more help, all those of you who need a plan.)

Connect with the version of you who is already there or has done the thing or started the business or followed the dream. Really be with her for a few moments. And even if you can’t “see” this version of you, try to just be in her energy. And then ask any (or all!) of the following questions:

  1. What are the actions she is taking today?
  2. what is my next best step?
  3. How can I align more today with that energy?
  4. What would I do today if I couldn’t fail at it?
  5. What do I need to let go of in order to step into that next level version of me?

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