
How to manifest money?

We’ve all heard about the Law of Attraction.

But there are so many things we don’t understand in the world, so many cultural/societal/familiar/spiritual underpinnings to how much money we make, that we can’t ever say that someone deserves to be rich or poor.

So take this list here as some ways for you to see any subconscious blocks, as well as some things you can do to really feel abundant and deserving.

Because your thoughts absolutely help to create your reality. If you feel poor, then even if you win the lottery, you’ll end up buying expensive presents for friends and relatives, gambling the other half away, and be back to broke within a few years. (Seriously. And though the research on lottery winners is very mixed, we know that a high percentage go bankrupt and aren’t happier than the rest of the population.)

So let’s do it. Let’s get down to wiping through all of that subconscious shit and manifesting big wealth.

How to test if you have subconscious money blocks?

Imagine yourself rich:

Close your eyes and imagine that you’re loaded. Absolutely silly rich. Can never get away from money. You have so much that you can never spend it all.

Take a moment and really feel that in your body. Repeat those phrases to yourself (eyes still closed) and see what happens.

Did you feel any constricting feelings in your gut, stomach, or throat?

If not, cool. Maybe you’re totally good.

But I’m betting you felt some constricting there.

And that feeling is a knot of  our subconscious fears bubbling up, telling us that we don’t deserve, we’re not enough, we haven’t worked hard enough, gotten organized enough, learned enough, had enough degrees, had the right family background, went to the right schools, been outgoing enough, been thin enough or charismatic enough, etc. to earn tons of money.

All right, let’s get into those 21 ways to manifest more money…


1. Write down everything you want. Every day. And be specific. 

Understand why you want the money. What things or experiences or type of  lifestyle are you envisioning? Get really clear on this (i.e. write it down)– the money that you’re going to manifest needs to have somewhere to flow to. Consider it your wish list, your letter to the universe. As you’re writing it, act as if it’s already here for you. As if these things that you wish in your life are already here and you are so thankful to have them in your life. (You can also try the Be Have Do list – thanks to Denise Duffield Thomas’s awesome book Get Rich Lucky Bitch for that one.)

2. Free journaling on the subconscious stuff:

For each of these prompts, write down the word or phrase and then everything that comes up for you. Keep writing until you can no longer think of anything else.


The advantages to having money are...

The disadvantages to having money are….

People who have lots of money are…

No matter how many times I’ve done this, more good stuff comes up. Things like “people who have money are assholes” or “people who have money are inauthentic.”

And then that leads to some other interesting subconscious stuff, things like:

  • Who am I to make more money, when others are starving?
  • Who am I to make more money, when others have less?
  • Who am I to have a spiritual business and try to earn money from it?
  • Who am I to teach others and make money from it?
  • I’m not outgoing enough to make tons of money
  • I’m not organized enough to make tons of money
  • My hair isn’t straight enough (Seriously? Subconscious brain, what is that one doing there?!)
  • If I make more money, my relationship with my husband will be out of whack

Recognize any of those? You probably have your own reasons for why you aren’t making as much as you would like to be. Maybe it’s something like “I just need more education, more degrees, more training.” But I’m betting whatever it is, it’s keeping you from that next income level. (New level, new devil.)

See below for some ways to clear up those thoughts, fears, and blocks.

3. Release and love the subconscious fears and blocks that came up:

My HARL process : a quick and easy way to work through fears and increase your confidence. You can use this with money or anything else in your life. Download your free worksheet to walk you through this here:

Confidence Booster Worksheet Erin Newman Life Coach5. 

4. Use Tapping:

EFT is one of my all-time faves to work through money and abundance beliefs. Take a look on Youtube.

5. Try Forgiveness work:

Blaming your parent/spouse/children/medical situation/family members for your current financial situation? Try either Radical Forgiveness worksheets or the simple Ho’oponopono forgiveness: I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. Keep saying it until you no longer feel a charge around the story associated with that person (or that person).

6. Connect in with source/universe/god/spirit.

Do whatever you can to visualize yourself as being supported by your higher source as you take inspired actions today. I like to imagine that I’m lying in a soft cloud of universe energy, supported and upheld at all times. (Kind of like a free fall into the universe.)

7. Take inspired action.

One of the best antidotes to fear of not having enough is action. What is the next right action for you to take today to move you towards income, revenue, and money? Just ask yourself “what is the next right step for me today?”

8. Make a big, scary commitment.

What is it that you’re wanting to do in your life?  Announce to your friends on Facebook that you’re going next month. Or put a down payment on a place. Block out your calendar. Tell people you’re going. Do something big that shows the universe that you’re serious.

9. Give back.

Where can you give willingly and lovingly of your money (or time)? We’re not talking about overextending yourself or killing yourself in order to sacrifice for others – this is the place for giving willingly to causes or groups that matter to you and need your help.

10. Make a list of 25 ways to make money now.

(Another credit to Denise Duffield Thomas for this idea.) Write down as many things as you can that you could do to make money, even if they’re silly or don’t make sense. They don’t have to be a part of your day job or your business, could even be things like “Driving for Uber”. This is another way of letting the universe know you’re serious.

11. Allow in/Surrender/be open to whatever way the universe wants to bring in your abundance.

Here’s where you really have to let go of knowing how it will come to you. For instance, if you are trying to manifest $3,000, then be truly open to any way that it could come.

12. Always shift to gratitude.

(I know, I know, not as easy as it sounds.) But if you do nothing else, practice gratitude for all that you have and all that is coming. Whenever you move into the negative thought pattern, shift back into focusing on one small thing you can be grateful for.

You can combine this with #1, or just write a gratitude list every day. Be sure to include all of those things and opportunities that aren’t yet here in the physical world but you are already grateful for them.

13. Surround yourself with super positive achievers + manifesters.

Don’t allow in those people who tell you things like “you’re not being realistic” or “that stuff doesn’t work” or “Law of Attraction is crap.”  (Come join us in the Dream Starters Community, where you’ll never hear such words.)

14. Love yourself. Love the lack. Love others.

Another awesome one that you could do all on its own. When a big fear of feeling of lack starts coming up, recognize it and say to it “I love you, I love you, I love you”. Practice saying those words to yourself. Practice saying it to others.

15. Share with others from a place of love, not from a place of “what am I going to get out of this?”.

Change your intention around earning money from just “what can someone give me” to “how can I help this person?” (while still holding steady in your own value) is super important.

16. Spend time visualizing the energy of money:

Spend some time with money in the form of energy (since everything in this universe is ultimately energy). I like to picture a bill turning into green waves and then ultimately just a sort of never-ending flow of energy, but whatever works for you is cool. That helps me to get in touch with knowing that money isn’t some magical thing out there – it’s just energy.

17. Remove energy leaks in your life in business.

If money is energy, and you are contributing to things, people, activities that no longer serve you, then you are leaking your energy and money.) In order to see where those are, ask yourself, “If I were totally aligned with my integrity, today I would…” This is also the place where you need to have that uncomfortable conversation. You know, the one you’ve been avoiding. (Doesn’t have to be about money. In fact, it’s probably about standing in your own power.)

18. Create your own money affirmations:

Oh, affirmations. How I love/hate you. Here’s why: I think of them as sort of a band-aid sometimes, and if you’ve got a large, gaping wound, then a band-aid just isn’t going to cut it. For example, if you’re using an affirmation like, “I enjoy unlimited wealth and abundance”, but then that little voice in your head starts saying “um, no you don’t. You don’t have what it takes”, then that affirmation might  backfire, because it’s giving your mind a chance to sow its little seeds of doubt. So if you’re hearing that little voice at all when you tell yourself an affirmation, go back to clearing those fears. (I like “why” questions instead – see below.)

19. Create some (good) why questions:

Sit with these for a few moments after you say them, just allowing the sentence to reverberate in your mind. Or try writing your own.

  1. Why will today be a day in which I grow in love, abundance, and health, as I inspire others around me to do the same?
  2. Why will the universe support me in all that I endeavor to create today?
  3. Why will today be a day of unlimited wealth and abundance?
  4. Why will my business be a source of freedom, joy, and wealth


20. Find an energy worker:

LOVE me some energy work for clearing out fears and moving up to more. The modality itself doesn’t matter as much as the practitioner. Do you resonate with him/her? Does he/she feel authentic and real to you? How do you feel when you leave? (Yes, you can do energy work on yourself, but if that’s not already your thing, go find someone you love. And if you need help, I have a ton of recommendations.) Try all of it: Qi Jong, Reiki, Access Bars, EFT (tapping), whatever works.

21. Experience Shamanic work:

Shamanic work helps to get into that deep down stuff, helping to heal those soul level pieces of you that don’t feel like enough.

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